Interview Prep Guide

Interview Preparation Guide for IT students || Feb Series 2024 Feb 10

Best technical Questions for IT Interviews || TOP MNCs

In today’s contemporary era, a software engineering interview or technical interview involves various stages such as Online assessment on Arithmetic and logical reasoning, going forward if a candidate qualifies the test further a candidate can expect a mix of technical, behavioral, and scenario based questions. Here are some commonly asked questions in the interview and the below mentioned questions were gathered from many individuals who attended the interviews previously. I hope this article gives a basic understanding of How and what questions will be asked.

Most asked Technical Questions – Technical Interview:

  • what programming languages you are familiar with ? – Be on point on which you are confident
  • what is data base and how does it works – basic
  • SDLC – what do you know about Software development Lifecycle and explain stages
  • Different types of testing?
  • what is continuous integration and explain how does it works?
  • Explain the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases.
  • What is SQL and NoSQL
  • Define box testing? explain what is black box testing and white box testing?
  • what do you know about feasibility study and explain features of it?
  • Tell us a project that you have worked on and what are the insights that you would like to share
  • Discuss the pros and cons of microservices architecture.

Coding related questions

  • Show me Implementing of a function to reverse a linked list.
  • Solve a problem involving sorting algorithms (e.g., quicksort, merge sort, insertion, selection, bubble).
  • what are sorting algorithms in Python
  • How would you find the first non-repeated character in a string?
  • Write code to implement a binary search tree.

System Designing questions & Apks

  • Design a URL shortening service like tiny url,
  • How would you design a scalable chat application for grocery delivery app?
  • Prepare a system which handles high-traffic events, like a trending topics, latest market trends.

Scenario based and behavioral based questionsGeneral Interview

  • Describe a challenging project you’ve worked on and how did you overcome the challenges and provided the solution?
  • How do you prioritize tasks when you have tight deadlines or approaching the deadline?
  • Lets talk about a situation where you had to work collaboratively within a team to achieve a goal and share your final outcome.

Communication and team work related

  • How do you guarantee effective communication within your team and with leaders?
  • Share an instance of a successful teamwork with stakeholders in the company.
  • Discuss a situation where you had a disagreement with a team member and how you resolved it.

Talking about applying for a SDE role at prominent companies like Amazon, IBM, Infosys, and TCS, it’s Vitol to prepare for a range of questions to show your technical skills. Here are some important questions to be looked for:

  • Amazon: Discuss a tough problem you’ve solved using Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Amazon : How do you incorporate Amazon’s leadership principles at your work? There are 14 Amazon principles so go through all the leadership principles.
  • Amazon: what do you know about AWS and how it helps organizations?
  • IBM: How have you applied IBM Cloud services in any of your previous project if yes then explain?
  • IBM: How does IBM’s focus on innovation align with your professional goals and company objectives?
  • Infosys: Can you explain your insights with Infosys technologies?
  • Infosys: How do you see yourself contributing to Infosys’ vision of digital transition in todays modern world?
  • Infosys: What do you anticipate from Infosys in upcoming days?
  • TCS: Describe a project where you utilized Tata Consultancy Services tools or frameworks.
  • TCS: How do you contribute to TCS’s dedication to CSR activity? This question can be anticipated almost in each and every company.

Alter your responses to match with each company’s platforms, values and technologies. Showcasing a deep comprehension of the specific challenges and objectives of each organization will set you apart in the interview process. Do Prepare for these questions by reviewing your technical knowledge, practicing coding exercises, and revising your past experiences. Make sure you go through the job description of each and every job role you apply and prepare accordingly. Adding to this, do research the specific company since different company have the different set of objectives, requirements.

The above mentioned questions are basic and FAQ in the interviews. I hope this will give you a clear understanding about how the technical questions are asked in the interviews. All the best!

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